The EnviroKlenz Mobile Air System with UV Light combines Advanced EnviroKlenz technology for toxic and noxious chemical and odor removal with HEPA filtration and ultraviolet germicidal radiation (UVC) to remove airborne particulates and allergens and inhibit the growth of captured microorganisms (such as bacteria, mold, and viruses).

TempDetect is for measuring the body temperature of a person safely, and at a distance, without making any physical contact. It uses infrared technology, measuring the temperature simply from the infrared energy that the person is giving off.

Gelbac hand sanitizer kills 99.9% of surface bacteria and germs.
- 80% Alcohol.
- Multi-purpose unfragranced hand-sanitizer.
- Safe for all age groups and suitable for all skin types.
For more information contact Joe Perraut | universalmarket@charter.net | 616.402.1870